Eliminate Buzzwords to Clarify Your Message

I was working with a client recently on some of his marketing copy. The piece was already written; I was providing an editorial eye and suggestions for improvement.

The piece sounded good, but one problem popped up several times throughout the copy, a problem that I’ve encountered frequently when editing pre-written copy.


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Friday Fun: The Worst Cover Letter Ever Written

Very wrong
DISCLAIMER: What I am about to present to you will be unpleasant. Side effects may include migraine, shortness of breath, and suicidal thoughts… if you’re an editor, that is. Continue at your own risk.

What you are about to read is an actual cover letter submitted for a full-time job – a job in the company’s communications department. It’s not just bad; it could be mistaken for spam if it hadn’t arrived with a completed application and a résumé. Check it out:

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Give Your Writing More Oomph with Active Voice


Here’s a quick and simple tip to inject more energy into your writing: Use active voice.

First, let’s address the difference between active and passive voice.

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Know Your Idioms: Beg the Question

Know your Idioms
I’ll admit I had to look up the definition of this idiom just now. But I did know what it doesn’t mean.

So let’s start with that and then figure out what it does mean together.

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